Having spent most of my formative years during the 1980s - a decade best described by greed, rampant consumerism, and decadent excess - it is no wonder that I have spent much of my life aspiring to happiness through the collection of material things. I erroneously believed that if I could only have enough money to buy the things I wanted, I could be happy, and my life would be well-lived. I have, now, finally begin to realize the errors of this way of thinking. For, in placing my abilities for happiness in the attainability of a certain sufficiency of funds, and never seeming to have such sufficiency of funds, I have spent my life in a constant internal struggle between loving money and hating it. This, as one might imagine, has never brought me happiness.
I began to turn my thoughts to this conundrum, feeling that some sincere scrutiny was definitely in order.
I have been working since I was fifteen years old with the goal of making money for the things I want. And while I never managed to have many of the things I wanted, I have managed to accumulate a great deal of material possessions - so great, in fact, that it embarrasses me to really consider it. Some of the things I've amassed are even really nice things. Yet, why haven't these things brought me the happiness I had been sure they would? Why can I not arrange them, organize them, display them in such a way that they bring me the fulfillment they surely should?
I've been pondering these questions for a while now. My first thought was that I'd gotten the wrong stuff. So, I exchanged some of the old stuff for some new and different stuff. Surely, this was going to fix my problem.
It didn't.
My second thought was that, perhaps, I needed to organize and arrange this new stuff in new ways to reflect how I had grown and matured in my purchasing habits.
This didn't work, either.
Finally, and reluctantly, I began to really consider my attachment to these things. What value did all of these material possessions afford me? How were they improving my life? How, specifically, could they make me happy?
In so doing I was lead to seriously consider what it is that I truly value in life, itself; to determine what comprises a happy and fulfilling life for me?
I finally came to the ridiculously obvious conclusion that a well-lived life - for me - is one filled with meaningful experiences and relationships. It has little, if anything, to do with possessing lots of stuff. This was a definite light bulb moment. It was as if I'd just gotten the punchline of a joke I'd heard years before.
Suddenly, all of the items filling my house, my attic, my garage have become an oppressive and weighty albatross about my neck. It now seems as if I've been slowly building an army, piece by piece, that will eventually overtake me and force me to surrender to my own undoing. I can not let this happen. I will not let this happen.
It was in that moment of realization that my new life began. I have laid my old life to rest, not with anger and resentment, but with gratitude for the knowledge it's given me. I make my first steps on this new road with excitement and reverence, and, yes, a dose of fear. But, it's a healthy fear that propels me to action, so I am glad for it. I am slowly prying my emotional grips loose from the objects of my former life, and sending these objects out into the world with the hopes that they will find good purpose for someone else who needs them. With every item that goes, I feel lighter and less fettered. I am ready to remove the albatross, and disassemble the army, and to seek more appropriate companions in new experiences and deeper relationships.
This is my road, now. And it's a wide and welcoming road with a bright horizon.
"The country needs and, unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent, experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something." -Anthony Burgess
04 February, 2010
03 February, 2010
Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes ...
So, the raison d'etre of this blog is taking a slightly dramatic shift. With the recent drastic change in my income, and the unusual weather keeping me housebound (snow in NC?!), I have been doing a lot of reflecting, philosophizing, and questioning. I won't bore you with the tedious details of how I came to my decision, but the decision has been made nonetheless: I am going to get rid of my belongings, get my house in order, sell my house, and buy an RV and call it home. Yes, I know you may be thinking any number of thoughts about this decision ... likely all in the vein of "Is she off her noggin?" But, I don't think I am. (Well, not in regards to this decision, anyway.) I finally realize that in trying to secure a somewhat normal life for myself, I have only managed to make myself a relative hermit with lots of pets, too many bills, and a tendency toward boredom and depression. From the moment I bought my house, my excitement at having taken a responsible (read: conventional) "grown up" step toward a proper (read: conventional) "grown up" life has been shadowed by a strong feeling of suffocation and entrapment. While I love Durham, I have never truly felt at home here. My life has become a stagnant, purposeless, boring mess, and threatens to continue this thread if I don't take action to change it. And the action that seems to make the most sense for me, is to release the baggage of then, and start over with the now. I've been reading everything I can find on selling a home, and buying an RV, and living in an RV, and being nomadic, in general, etcetera, etcetera. And every time I envision what my new life might be like, I get happy little butterflies in my belly. Okay, so half of those butterflies are gleefully happy, and the other half are scared out of their wits, but even the thought of doing something this scary feels pretty incredible. Isn't is common knowledge that truly spectacular awakenings can only really happen when we remove ourselves from our comfort zone?
So, while I'll continue to post about the things I'm doing to get my house ready to go to market, I'll also be sharing insights on the preparations for this new life journey. I've already started posting furniture for sale on craigslist, and have begun some small repairs on the house. I've done round one of primer painting on the hideous salmon pink trim in the hallway. (It was left by the previous owners, and I never got around to changing it.) I've removed all the old grody caulk around my bathtub, and am prepping it for new sealant stripping. I'm constantly editing my belongings and relegating oodles of items to the attic to sort for sale once I've freed up a little more space in the house proper. Plus, I've compiled a list of all the things I need to have addressed for the house to be ready to be shown to a realtor. The list includes estimated costs, notes on potentially necessary goods and services purchases, and the estimated order of priority for each item. (It's a bit longer than I'd like it to be, but it's doable, and that's a comfort.) My dad has agreed to help me with many of the items on the list, which is also a great comfort. So, you see, the blog's taking a huge Left Turn ... as is my life.
Check back often ... I'm sure there's gonna be lots to share as the journey unfolds. As always, your feedback is welcomed. Here's to happy experimental adventure!
So, while I'll continue to post about the things I'm doing to get my house ready to go to market, I'll also be sharing insights on the preparations for this new life journey. I've already started posting furniture for sale on craigslist, and have begun some small repairs on the house. I've done round one of primer painting on the hideous salmon pink trim in the hallway. (It was left by the previous owners, and I never got around to changing it.) I've removed all the old grody caulk around my bathtub, and am prepping it for new sealant stripping. I'm constantly editing my belongings and relegating oodles of items to the attic to sort for sale once I've freed up a little more space in the house proper. Plus, I've compiled a list of all the things I need to have addressed for the house to be ready to be shown to a realtor. The list includes estimated costs, notes on potentially necessary goods and services purchases, and the estimated order of priority for each item. (It's a bit longer than I'd like it to be, but it's doable, and that's a comfort.) My dad has agreed to help me with many of the items on the list, which is also a great comfort. So, you see, the blog's taking a huge Left Turn ... as is my life.
Check back often ... I'm sure there's gonna be lots to share as the journey unfolds. As always, your feedback is welcomed. Here's to happy experimental adventure!
home improvement,
real estate,
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