Happy Memorial Day! And thank you to all of you who have served to safeguard the lives of Americans - in whatever way you may have served.
"The country needs and, unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent, experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something." -Anthony Burgess
29 May, 2012
28 May, 2012
Experiments in … bliss: Sweet Saturday
was sweet, indeed. Although to
many this weekend is a holiday weekend riddled with meticulous plans and high
expectations of fun and frolicking, for me, it’s just another weekend. Now, don’t get me wrong … I’m very
thankful for those who have risked much so that I might experience the freedoms
that I do. It is not my intention
to belittle the significance of Memorial Day. I just mean to iterate that I have an unconventional work
schedule, and, therefore, the fact that Monday is a “bank holiday” does not
affect my schedule the way it affects the majority of Americans.
that my disclaimers are out of the way, I’ll get back to my sweet

We were blessed to run into our good friends Chris, JD, Theresa, Lula and Shady. Isn’t it always nice to share unexpected encounters with the people we love? I think so. We strolled the market together for a few moments, made plans to have lunch soon, and parted ways feeling even warmer than we already had in the early morning heat.
market and the surrounding areas were even more bustling than usual
yesterday. Apparently there was
some kind of road race (or, possibly, a triathlon?) happening downtown. It generated a good crowd of jolly
townsfolk and athletes and even a very stylish gentleman with the most delicious
hat I think I’ve ever seen.
I had
made no plans for my evening, but after practicing my Spanish during all my walking trips, I
decided to lie back on the couch and watch the Spanish-language film, La Misma Luna
(Under the Same Moon). I’ve wanted
to watch it for ages, and I wasn’t disappointed. It is such a beautiful story of the bond between a mother
and her son. It also portrays the
plight of illegal immigrants in a very poignant way without being overly
sentimental about it. It broke my
heart over and over again, but also gave me hope and some valuable insights
into a growing group of people who are finding themselves in a sort of
purgatory between two cultural identities. I totally recommend this film.
As I
was getting ready to turn in early (yes, on a Saturday night), the phone
rang. As if my day wasn’t already
wonderful enough, my parents were calling. We managed a relative glitch-free trans-world skype video call. It was great catching up with them and
hearing all about their adventures and upcoming birthday plans! Mom and Dad, if you’re reading, I’m so
glad we got to talk last night!
it was to bed to read a little before succumbing to the comforting embrace of
Sleep. Aaah. What a sweet Saturday!
was your Saturday? What did you
do? I hope it was sweet, as well!
23 May, 2012
Previously on Days of My Life … plus a Resolution Roundup
last we met, I had committed to getting my body off my couch and into
motion. Well, I am happy to report
that I have been keeping up my end of my bargain with myself. I have generally been sticking to a 6
days on / one day off plan where workouts are concerned. I did allow myself a couple extra days
off while trying to heal from the worst case of poison ivy I’ve ever endured. After the first 10 days of my
previously mentioned TAM-esque 15-minute muscular structure (MS) workouts
followed by 20 minutes of rebounder/floor combination cardio work, I upgraded
to a new TAM-esque MS sequence that take about 30-45 minutes followed by 30
minutes of mostly, or all, floor dance cardio. I began this sequence with 25 reps of each MS move, and have
gradually worked up to 40 reps each.
(That’s why the 30-45 minutes.)
As soon as this 10 day period is finished (which is very soon) I will
begin the actual Tracy Anderson Method Metamorphosis program. I would have started it sooner, but
there was an ordering glitch and it took forever to get here.
I am
feeling pretty good – physically and mentally/emotionally. I weathered the whole poison ivy
storm. I managed to slightly
injure my foot, but am still getting my cardio in (while taking reasonable
precautions, of course). And while
it can feel excruciatingly difficult when I’m doing the work – especially by
the time I’m nearing the fortieth rep of an already challenging move – I am
finding that I look forward to my workouts. It’s a pretty amazing feeling.
referenced the notion of failure in my last post. That’s a topic that has continued to roll around in my brain
lately. I continue to question my
understanding of what failure is and how I perceive failure in my own
life. I have been using these
internal discoveries and analyses to help inspire me when I’m feeling like
giving up or taking the easy out during my daily experiences. It has been amazing to notice just what
exactly has been playing on my internal radio for years! So many excuses doled out as
inevitabilities … so much power given over to other people and external
circumstances … so much bullshit!
As I begin to really listen to all that bogus programming I become much
more able to negate it. I am
finally beginning to take responsibility for myself and my situation a little
more fully and with a little more presence and prescience to what my internal
naysayer is likely to toss at me.
So, I suppose this is part of that “sound mind in a sound body”
thing? Points for me! Progress is being made already!
In the
spirit of gauging failure and success, it seems a good time to do a resolution
roundup. By that, I mean that we
are nearing the halfway point in this calendar year, and it seems like a good
time to see how I’m faring with all those resolutions I made back in
January. So, here we go …
1. I resolve to maintain ample space in my
schedule for my Self.
fixed this one by leaving my job at the inn. I was finding that the job was consuming way too much of my
time and energy leaving me too exhausted to do much else. Not conducive to Resolution #1! Now, I have lots of free time and tons
of me time. And I remember why I
made this resolution in the first place.
2. I resolve to regularly take classes to
better myself.
this one started strong out of the gate, but has slowly petered out over the
long run. I am hoping to get back
to some yoga classes soon, and have signed up for an e-textiles workshop later
this month, but am not taking a regular class at present. Will work on finding a class to rectify
this slip.
3. I resolve to clean up my diet, and eat
a sustainable diet of whole foods that nourish the whole me.
this one is a little loosely worded, so it’s tricky. For the most part, I’d say I’m doing alright here, though I
could definitely make some improvements.
4. I resolve to get a minimum of 8 hours
of sleep every night.
mentioned in #1, this was beginning to get bumped during my overworked days at
the inn, but now I’m getting a solid 8-10 every night … just like my body likes
5. I resolve to do some form of mindful
movement (yoga, stretching, dancing, etc.) every day – even if only for 10
As in
#1 and #4 … as I started working too much and falling behind on my me time,
this didn’t always happen, but I’m back in business now, and that business is
6. I resolve to cultivate a daily
meditation practice.
Oops. This one didn’t last very long …
again. Geez Louise! Why is it so hard to make time to sit
for 10 minutes? Will have to work
on this!
7. I resolve to get a pedicure every two
again! Haven’t gotten a single
one. Though I still think about it
regularly, and hope to figure out how to fit it into my lifestyle. It seems like when I have the money, I
haven’t got the time and when I have the time, I’m not sure it’s the best way
to spend my money. Must remember
this is an investment in my Self.
8. I resolve to get a massage or other
healing bodywork session at least once a month.
Nope. Have only gotten one massage this
year. Yikes! That’s terrible! Why is it that so many people in
healing professions have such a hard time making Self care a priority?? Argh!
9. I resolve to dance at least once a
After dance
class ended, so did my regular dancing … until I started the cardio dancing a
few weeks ago. Now I dance almost
every day. Hooray!
10. I resolve to write in my blog at least
once a week.
Umm …
if you ever read this blog, you will know that’s another fail. (See … failure! It’s popping up everywhere!) But, while weekly posting is still a
wonderful goal, I am happy that I am still writing at all. (Take that, Failure!)
11. I resolve to cultivate a daily practice
of acknowledging and expressing gratitude.
I have not managed to establish a specific routine of when and where I express
gratitude, I do acknowledge the things in my life for which I am grateful on a
very regular basis. In fact, I am
grateful that I can report that right now.
12. I resolve to take at least 2 vacations
(min. 3 days) each year.
to be fair, the year’s not even half over yet, so this one gets a free pass for
this round up. (And while, no, I
have not taken a vacation yet, I am planning one for next month.)
13. I resolve to experience at least one
social activity with friends every two weeks.
To be
truthful, I haven’t really paid too close attention to when my social
activities have taken place, but I’ve been more social this year than in many
recent years, so I consider it a success!
14. I resolve to support my local organic
farmers by buying much of my food from my local farmers’ market.
indeed! This one I’ve been doing!
15. I resolve to give my Self a full body
exfoliation every week.
I forgot all about this
resolution. It’s a good one,
though, so I think I’ll work to reinstate it!
16. I resolve to fast on each full moon and
new moon.
17. I resolve to observe the power and
magick during full moons, new moons, and the holidays of the Wheel of the Year.
18. I resolve to avoid looking at my
computer screen first thing in the morning, or just before bed at night.
I’m typing this at 10:30p, I can’t claim total success with this resolution,
but I’ve kept it much more often than not.
19. I resolve to always resist the
temptation to say something negative about my Self, opting, instead, to say
something positive and wonderful and maybe even glorious.
I can
always improve here, but I think I’m doing pretty well with this one.
20. I resolve to resist the temptation to
mindlessly eat/drink in an attempt to sate my emotional needs.
is still a huge struggle for me, but I have been making vast improvements
here. I will continue to work on
it throughout the year!
21. I resolve to resist the temptation to
beat my Self up if I break my own rules or resolutions.
Done! (Though I do reserve the right to give
my Self regular pep talks and
motivational speeches.)
are you doing with your resolutions?
I’d love to hear from you!
09 May, 2012
04 May, 2012
Experiments in … health!
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Thomas Edison + light bulb |
recently read a little tidbit about Thomas Edison. I don’t remember where I read it, but I am sure it has been
repeated plenty. This particular
tidbit was regarding the fact that Edison had reportedly had one thousand
failures before finally succeeding in inventing the light bulb. His response to this sentiment was that
he had not failed at all. The
light bulb, he claimed, simply took one thousand steps to invent. Pretty wise fellow, that Edison. I really appreciate his ability to
blend a focused diligence and determination with a humble acceptance of and
regard for the fumbles along the way.
Why is
this relevant to health, you may ask?
Well, I have been feeling pretty guilty of late as a result of my
failure to maintain the Body Ecology Diet (BED) beyond two months. (Perhaps it was because I allowed
myself to get smug for having lasted that long?) Over the past several weeks I have been making allowances –
small ones at first, then larger ones – for eating cookies, pastries,
chocolates, fries, and gasp!
an inordinate amount of gluten!
This will not do! It’s no
good at all! My body’s very angry,
and I’ve been tunneling down a shame spiral as a result. Of course, I also have moments during
which I play the spin doctor to my wounded inner conscience. You don’t really have to do this diet … it was a
choice! You’re only cheating this
little bit! You’ll be better
tomorrow! You can totally make
exceptions when you’re out with friends … it’s a special occasion! (This dialogue chain is very familiar to me.) Then there’s the Aries rebellion that
starts working away on my will. You
can’t spend your whole life worrying so much about what you eat! Screw that! Life is for living and enjoying! You eat well most of the time. You eat organically and locally and seasonally. You practically pay the salaries of the
Whole Foods staff single-handedly!
Why should you not treat yourself with this little glass of
champagne? Don’t let anyone tell
you that you can’t have some of that delicious dark chocolate mousse that your
friends are enjoying … I mean, it’s right there in front of you! Eat it! (This dialogue chain is also very familiar to me.)
I am
learning a great deal about myself here.
I am learning that, like countless others in this world, I have become
A.) disillusioned about just how healthy I really am, and B.) a total
pansy. That’s right: I’m a weak-willed emotional eater who
doesn’t exercise nearly enough. I
also seem to forget that I am no longer that twenty-year-old girl with
lightning metabolism who works out regularly and goes dancing on the
weekends. In fact, I am a woman in
her late thirties who rarely works out and never goes out dancing. Hm. That’s quite sad, actually. No wonder I have a tendency to fall into the moody blues
(the emotional state, not the band).
Wait, where was I going with this? Oh yes … I have decided to strike a
deal with myself. And this deal is
that I will maintain a basically conscientious eating plan, sticking to many of
the BED principles a majority of the time, while allowing myself to have some
of those things that really make me happy (ie: granola w/ coconut milk, fruit,
and an occasional glass of bubbly wine).
I will be sensible about, but
not fixated upon, the food I eat.
In exchange for this culinary freedom, I will work my body. I will put in some serious effort to make it stronger,
leaner, more pliable and more capable.
And I will begin doing this by committing to Tracy Anderson’s 90-day Metamorphosis program. No more
will I so cavalierly sit on the couch watching fictional characters lead active
healthy lives in films or television shows. I will begin earning that couch time by crafting my body into a
formidable and flexible machine. I
will offer my blood, sweat and tears to the fitness gods and pray for healthy
results, and maybe some endorphins, in return. (Though hopefully there will be mostly sweat, and extremely
little quantities of blood and tears.)
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Tracy Anderson |
I have
already experienced Tracy Anderson’s 30-day boot camp. A little over a year and half ago, a
friend and I did that program. It
was hard, and – surprise – I was kinda half-assed in my approach. I did the muscular structure work
really well until the last 10 days when it got really … really … hard. The cardio dvd was really badly produced, so I used that as
an excuse to be sloppy with it.
And I didn’t even bother with her diet plan (which may lead to weight
loss, but I believe is too
Unsurprisingly it didn’t change my life. It did, however, change my body, though in much more subtle
ways than if I had done the program all out. I do believe that her method of working the body is effective
and, if done with awareness, better for the joints than most styles of
exercise. Already, for the past
week I have been doing a sort of halved version of a Tracy Anderson Method
workout every morning. I’ve been
doing around 15 minutes of muscular structure work and about 20 minutes of
dance cardio on a rebounder. The
Metamorphosis program consists of 30-minutes of muscular structure work and
30-minutes of dance cardio. (At
least that’s what Tracy claims the time commitment will be … that doesn’t
include the moments of lying on the ground in a crumpled heap trying to
convince yourself to keep going. I
had these during the boot camp, and am sure to have them during the 90-day
gig.) I’m sticking to a
combination of rebounder and floor dance cardio to keep from over-stressing my
joints – specifically my hips which have been very angry with all my
So, that’s my deal with
myself. I’ve already ordered the
Metamorphosis dvds, so I suppose I’ll begin whenever they get here. Wish me luck and fortitude, please!
speaking of my cranky hip joints … (jeez, I really am getting old!) I have also started wearing a heel
insert in my left shoe. During my
last massage appointment, my therapist agreed that my left leg is actually
skeletally shorter than my right.
I’ve known for years and years that there was an imbalance, but for a
long time I believed it to be muscular.
So, the insert is meant to keep the rest of my body from taking on so
much stress in compensation for the imbalance. This is day 2 of wearing it, and already I’m feeling relief,
though I imagine at least part of that is due to the exercising.
Mens sana in corpore sano. Translated, this familiar phrase reads:
A sound mind in a sound body. It is a common belief that if one
creates strength, health, flexibility and endurance of body, then the same
traits will naturally be extended to the mind, or even more optimistically, the
soul. Here we go … I’m going to
get my body in order, and with any luck, the rest of me will follow.
Happy experimenting, everyone! I hope you're enjoying this amazing Spring!
PS: If any of you are interested in joining me on the Metamorphosis challenge, I would love the support and camaraderie. Send me a message if you’re in!
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