03 May, 2013

Inspiration and Germination

photo courtesy of www.singletripadvisor.com

For those of you who don’t know, I teach a yoga class on Friday mornings.  This class is very dear to me.  It was built up from literally nothing – no attendees – to the thriving, and sometimes overflowing, experience it is today.  We have become not just a class, but a community.  I must admit that I may learn more from the folks who attend than they do from me … though I do think there’s a fair exchange of information, inspiration and growth taking place. 

The most recent gift I received from this class came to me just last week.  A gentleman who had attended the class a handful of times waited afterwards to ask me to show him a few poses for some physical issues he'd been having.  As I was going through some asanas with him, we began to chat.  The next thing we knew we were sitting on our mats sharing the unfolding of a beautiful conversation about life, travel and passion.  Yes, it was one of those conversations.  The kind of conversation that reaches deep down inside and starts gently sweeping against the flint of dulled senses until a spark is ignited.  I could feel that spark beginning to warm me from the inside out.  It was delicious. 

We talked for an hour.  We talked primarily about our shared passions for getting out into the world and discovering meaning in life by sharing our gifts with others and delighting in gifts received.  Talking with this man reminded how much joy and inspiration I feel when I am on the road.  It also reminded me how easily I can allow my senses to grow dull and dusty as I settle into the mundane tasks of letting roots grow in any one place for too long.  The sleeping nomad was awakened, and now she is getting restless. 

The irony of this sweet and soulful exchange, was that this gentleman will no longer be attending my yoga class.  In fact, he left the country just this week.  He’s off living his adventure, and I am here blooming in the wake of his inspiration.  I am sad that I won’t get to talk with him face to face again soon, but am so very grateful for those few small moments that we did.   

Seeds were planted.  Ideas are germinating.  Plans are being researched.  Nothing is decided as yet, but I will keep you posted as this inspiration grows and takes shape.  We’ll see what it will grow into and how it will manifest.  I have a feeling it will be spectacular when it reaches full bloom.

Happy Season of Creation and Growth!

photo via http://doctorrenee.wordpress.com/

