06 April, 2011

Birthday Girl

Yesterday was my birthday. And it was a good one. Actually, my celebrating began on Saturday. Sister took me out for birthday dinner. We decided to triple our fun by going to three different places during the evening. We began with appetizers and Makers Manhattans at Pop's. Then it was off to Dos Perros for dinner - we shared the seafood enchiladas, chips, salsa and guacamole - along with a spicy guava and tequila cocktail followed by a fancy round of tequila. (I can't remember the name, but the waiter said it was his favorite tequila in the world.) After dinner, we finished the evening with a drive by gelato-getting trip to Francesca's, which we took back to Sister's house and feasted on with coffee and some delicious cookies that Sister had baked. (Thankfully she made them with gluten free flours, so I could eat them. Yum.) We tried to watch a movie, but by then we were too pooped from all the partying (read: eating and drinking) that we only made it through about half a Harry Potter. Then I came home and hit the sack.

Sunday was a fasting day (New Moon), so I took it pretty easy. In the afternoon, Sister and I went for a two and a half hour hike in the botanical garden trails. It was really a beautiful day and a lovely hike. We even got to talk to mom and dad while we were out there. They've been having some difficulties getting reliable communication going from the island, so it was an added bonus to a great day.

For my actual birthday, I decided I wanted to really indulge myself all day. I woke up fairly early (after 10 hours of delightful sleep), and spent the morning luxuriating around the camper. Then, I gave myself a facial while watching some Veronica Mars. In the late morning, I walked over to my friend Sarah's house for a long overdue and much needed two hour massage. Aaah. After walking home, I proceeded to Weaver Street Market to pick up some sushi. Took my sushi and my sunscreen to my friend's pool to get started on my tan. (I feel like it's better to have a base tan than to be pasty white when one embarks on a trip to the equator.) Sunbathed for an hour, and finished a book to boot. I came home long enough to get cleaned up and set off for Durham where I met up with Sister and some girlfriends at Fullsteam Brewery. One of the ladies was in from out of town, so it was a welcomed chance to get to see her for a bit before she was due to return home. (As always seems to happen in those instances, though, I didn't get to chat with her as much as I would have liked ... Kelly, if you're reading this, I'd love to chat more! Email, maybe?) I was slated to meet up with another girlfriend in Durham at 9pm when she got out of a class. However, being the wild and crazy lass I am, my lids started to droop almost as soon as the sun dipped below the horizon, so we decided to reschedule. (Mere, if you're reading this, let me know when you want to make that happen.) Came home, watched a video while eating the birthday cheesecake that Sarah gave me (Y.U.M.), then dropped the lights and a ton of Z's.

And, it's getting dark here, now, too, so I think I'm gonna go get ready to drop some more. Buenos Noches, y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Im reading this and wanna make it happen!! Next week on an afternoon?
